Are they the same creature, who is after one thing and then just toss it away?
Is there anyone different? What differs him and the others? Nothing I guess or am I the one who caught up with the same type..?
Will there be official or am I just unofficial girlfriend?
I'm here to say that not all men are the same. That men can (and do) care deeply. Believe in that. Believe in what can be. And don't settle for someone who doesn't honor and respect you for who you are. You are an amazing lady, Alia, believe that always...
setuju dgn kata2 Lance..jangan menyamaratakan lah..& ga perlu curigaan tp tetep waspada
inget deh nyanyiannya si snow white..masak sih dari berjuta2 di dunia ga ada.. Pasti ada cuma belon ketemu..
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